!WIDTH 50 !NOWRAP !TOPIC 1 BEFORE Here is the questionnaire, ready for data entry. Try entering answers to the questions, pressing the key after each entry. Of course, these windows are only for tutorial purposes and will not appear in normal work. After reading each window, press to continue to the next field. to continue... !TOPIC 2 AGE Note that the cursor skipped the ID field, since automatically incrementing IDNUM fields are filled in by the program. AGE is a numeric field. Try entering the letter "a" here and note that numeric fields accept only numbers. to continue... !TOPIC 3 STATE STATE is an upper case field. If you type lower case characters, like "ga," they will be converted to upper case -- "GA." to continue... !TOPIC 4 DATE The next field is a date field. Try entering 02/29/93 and note the the error is caught, since 1993 is not a leap year. Then try 02/29/92 and see what happens. to continue... !TOPIC 5 "FOOD HANDLER" The next 4 fields are Yes/No fields. Note that the field names and valid values appear at the bottom of the screen. to continue... !TOPIC 6 End of Record After the last field is entered, you will be prompted to save the record. Note the record number in the lower right corner of the screen. to continue... !TOPIC 7 Record Number 2 Here we are in Record Number 2. Note the record number in the lower right corner again. Now go ahead and enter this record on your own. No windows will pop up until you have entered and saved the entire record. to continue... !TOPIC 8 LAST NAME The first FIELD in the questionnaire is called LASTNAME. Note that the name and valid entries will appear in the lower left corner of the screen. Enter a last name and then press . Then continue filling in the other fields, pressing after each, and watch the comments. The cursor will jump from field to field auto- matically. to continue... !TOPIC 9 CITY or Town To move around, use the up and down arrow keys. Try returning to Last Name with the up arrow, then return to City and enter the City name. to continue... !TOPIC 10 ZIP Code ZIP code is set up as an upper-case text field ( ZIP ) rather than a numeric field ( ZIP #####) because of the need for leading zeroes. to continue... !TOPIC 11 DISEASE Right now, any entry is accepted here, but in a minute, we'll see how a standard list of codes can be provided by creating a CHECK file. to continue... !TOPIC 12 {DIS}ease {CODE} Any entry is accepted now, but later, we will set up automatic coding so that the correct code for the DISEASE is popped into this field automatically. to continue... !TOPIC 13 End of Second Record Excellent. Now save this second record by answering "Y" tht the "Write Record to Disk?" prompt. In the next record, we will explore the concept of CHECK files. to continue... !TOPIC 14 CHECK Files CHECK files allow ENTER to respond intelligently to data entry. In any field, you might instruct ENTER to allow only certain values or ranges or to skip some fields if a particular answer is given. Automatic coding and numeric operations are also available. To produce a CHECK file, you should consult the manual, do the tutorial at the beginning of Chapter 10, and use the CHECK program, but we will explore some of the ideas here. To load the sample CHECK file, you must leave ENTER. This is easily done by pressing the function key. The tutorial will bring back ENTER automatically with the correct CHECK file. Press and then ... !TOPIC 15 JUMPs The cursor jumped from Last Name to City, bypassing First Name. In the CHECK program, it only took a few keystrokes to set up this JUMP or skip pattern. to continue... !TOPIC 16 LEGAL Values Suppose that you want the data entry operator to choose from a defined list of Cities for this field. We have set the CHECK file so that three city names are LEGAL values for CITY. You can place many more names in the CHECK file, or, using an indexed Epi Info file, even handle thousands of choices, such as all the cities and towns in New York, or a list of disease codes. To see the available codes, press from the City field. Then move the cursor bar to the choice, or type the name, and then press . to continue... !TOPIC 17 Range for ZIP Code Even though ZIP is a text field, we can set a RANGE from "00000" to "99999" so that only numeric zip codes will be accepted. Try entering a code like "A300". to continue... !TOPIC 18 AGE Range In the AGE field, we have set up a numeric RANGE of 000 to 120 and made it a MUST ENTER field so that blanks are not accepted. to continue... !TOPIC 19 The DISEASE field has been linked to the DISease CODE field, and code pairs have been set up so that when a choice of DISEASE is made, the corresponding code pops into the DISease CODE field automatically. Since there is no need to enter the code manually, a "GOTO" has been inserted so that the cursor jumps over the DISease CODE field. Press and then to see the codes and make a selection... !TOPIC 20 Legal Values for SEX The Legal Values for SEX have been set to M, F, and U (for Unknown). A comment is inserted to explain the values and confirmatory messages appear on the screen when you enter a legal value. Press and then or enter M, F, or U. to continue... !TOPIC 21 Yes/No Fields Yes/No () fields have automatic legal values of Y, N, and blank. There is usually no need to specify further conditions in the CHECK file. to continue... !TOPIC 22 Features of CHECK (.CHK) Files The CHECK program constructs files of instructions to control data entry. You may also type the instructions directly into .CHK files using EPED. Typical features include: Setting ranges for data in a field Presenting a list of legal values from which to choose Automatic coding from one field to another Conditional skip patterns Mathematical calculations Help windows, like this one If you press for Last Name, the cursor will skip the First Name field... to continue, then ... !TOPIC 23 Searching For Specific Records ENTER allows you to browse with the and keys, or to enter a last name, for example, and find records with the same last name. To see the commands available or to do a search, hold down the key and press F for FIND. To start entering records again, press for NEW record. To search for GONZALEZ, press and then enter "Gonzalez" in the NAME field (without the quotation marks). When you are through practicing searching, press to leave ENTER temporarily and continue the tutorial. !TOPIC 24 The End Thank you for playing this tutorial. There is much more to learn about .CHK files, but you have the basic concepts. Press to leave ENTER. !TOPIC 25 Good Work That's the idea -- make an entry and press . Now try first name... to continue... !TOPIC 26 The Easy Way We need two records with last name GONZALEZ to demonstrate searching. Here is one. All you have to do is press enter a number for AGE, press , and then save the record. , a number, , and then "Y" !TOPIC 27 The Second GONZALEZ Here is the second GONZALEZ. Note that the first name is different, so that we have records for PEDRO and PATRICIA. , a number, , and then "Y"